Home /  MMonit /  Supported Platforms

OS platforms

M/Monit runs on any POSIX system and is currently tested and available on:

  • Linux
    • linux: x86_64 or ARM64 with glibc 2.27 or later (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, Centos, RHEL, SUSE, etc.)
    • alpine: x86_64 or ARM64 with musl 1.2.3 or later (e.g. Alpine Linux, OpenWRT, etc.)
  • FreeBSD 13.4 or later (x86_64 or ARM64)
  • OpenBSD 7.5 or later (x86_64 or ARM64)
  • MacOS Big Sur (11.x) or later (x86_64 and ARM64)
  • Solaris 11.4 or later (x86_64)

M/Monit should run on later OS versions than the above as long as they are binary compatible.

Database systems

M/Monit works out of the box with the following database systems:

  • MySQL 5.7 or later
  • MariaDB 10.2 or later
  • PostgreSQL 9.5 or later
  • SQLite 3.x

If you use a database version not supported, you can download and build the Connection Pool library from source and replace the libzdb shared library in mmonit/lib/libzdb.x with your own version. The database connection pool library used by M/Monit is Open Source and can be downloaded from libzdb's home page