Home /  MMonit /  Release 4-3-0

Released on Sep 12, 2024

New installation | Upgrading

  1. New
  2. Fixed
  3. Enhanced

Changes Version 4.3.0

This release focuses on UI and Alert improvements

  1. Alert Services: Enhanced M/Monit's alerting capabilities through customizable scripts. We have created pre-configured scripts for integrating M/Monit alerts with a few popular online services such as, Discord, Slack and PagerDuty. You can also create your own alert scripts.
  2. Support for Dark or Light mode. Go to admin/settings and appearance to select the theme for the M/Monit application. Choose "Auto" to follow the system's Dark or Light mode settings. Alternatively, you can manually set the theme to "Light" or "Dark" based on your preference.
  3. Improved M/Monit's web-app capabilities. On iOS, when viewing the M/Monit's dashboard in Safari, tap the share button and select "Add to Home Screen". On Android, when viewing M/Monit's dashboard in Google Chrome, tap the three-dot menu icon and select "Add to Home screen" or "Install app". Name the shortcut and tap "Add" or "Install". In both cases, this will add M/Monit as an icon to your Home Screen. Click the icon to open M/Monit and it will appear like a native app. Gestures, such as swiping from the left edge to the right to go back to the previous page, also work.
  4. Status page: The number of rows in the status table is now persistent across login sessions. (Using the browser's local storage)
  5. Renamed mmonitadmin to mmonit-admin.
  6. The uptime selector could show a range error around midnight.
  7. Timestamps in alerts, env. variables and emails are now displayed in local time with a timezone offset. The local time is the local time of the mmonit server. The Web-Interface already displayed timestamps in local (mmonit) time.
  8. M/Monit could hang if a host was added to a host group and M/Monit was stopped. (Causing the host not to be added to the Host Group when mmonit was forced to stop).
  9. Updated OpenSSL to 3.0.15 to fix the following OpenSSL defects:
  1. Plus minor improvements and fixes.

New installation

  • Download the release for your OS.
  • Unpack the tar.gz file in a directory, any directory will do, but unpacking in /opt or /usr/local are good choices. Example:
 tar -xzf mmonit-4.3.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • Go to the unpacked mmonit-4.3.0 directory
 cd mmonit-4.3.0
  • Optional: Change default accounts password using:
 ./bin/mmonit-admin password admin

 ./bin/mmonit-admin password monit
  • Run M/Monit using:
  • Point your Browser to the host where mmonit is installed (or "localhost" if running on the same machine), for example: http://localhost:8080/ and login as user admin with password swordfish (or the password which was set using mmonit-admin)
  • If you want to set up M/Monit to use MySQL or PostgreSQL instead of the default SQLite database, follow these instructions in the wiki.
  • More documentation can be found inline in the application and in the manual (PDF).
  • Troubleshooting If M/Monit does not appear to run, investigate the error.log in the logs directory. You can also run mmonit in the foreground and in diagnostic mode, start mmonit with the -id options. In diagnostic mode, mmonit will print errors and debug information to the console. Use CTRL+C to stop mmonit in this mode.

Upgrading from previous M/Monit releases (2.3 or later)

The upgrade program can be used to automatically copy database and configuration files from the previous installation and update the database schema. On macOS upgrading is not needed as the installer will upgrade M/Monit in /usr/local/mmonit automatically.

The whole upgrade process should take less than a minute and you do not have to stop or change Monit on other machines during this process. Monit will simply pick up and start reporting to the new M/Monit 4.3.0 version.

  • Download the new 4.3.0 release for your OS.
  • Install M/Monit 4.3.0 in the same directory as previous release. For example:
  • Stop the previous M/Monit release.
 /usr/local/mmonit-4.2.2/bin/mmonit stop

Or if you monitor M/Monit via Monit:

 monit stop mmonit
  • Run the upgrade program and specify the path to the previous M/Monit release:
 /usr/local/mmonit-4.3.0/upgrade/upgrade -p /usr/local/mmonit-4.2.2
  • Start M/Monit 4.3.0:
  • Finally, clear your browser cache before accessing M/Monit 4.3.0