Home /  MMonit /  Release 3-7-0

Released on March 27, 2017

Changes | New installation | Upgrading


  • New: Disk I/O charts. This feature requires Monit 5.21.0 or later.

  • New: Display filesystem type and mount flags string in status details. This feature requires Monit 5.21.0 or later.
  • New: Added per-process and per-filesystem Disk I/O info in status details. This feature requires Monit 5.21.0 or later.

  • New: Display SSL certificate remaining valid days in status details for Monit 5.21.0 or later.

  • New: You can now explicit specify the OpenSSL ciphers list to use for the M/Monit server when SSL is active. The <Host> element in conf/server.xml has a new attribute called ciphers which take an OpenSSL ciphers list. If not set, a default cipher list is used which in most cases is good enough.
  • New: Disabled SSL 3DES ciphers (vulnerable to sweet32) and enabled server-side ciphers preference.
  • Fixed: Improved Dashboard charts performance.
  • Fixed: Service action (start/stop/restart..) didn't work if the Monit hostname contained a "-" character.
  • Fixed: The Alert Admin page returned error for e-mail addresses with 3+ domain levels and also if the "-" character was in the domain name.
  • Fixed: Escape control characters in JSON format (events which contained for example ANSI escape sequences or binary values triggered an error in the dashboard).
  • Fixed: Alert reminder may be skipped if the pause between alert repetitions is long.
  • Fixed: Automatically update Monit host connection credentials if changed on Monit's side.
  • Fixed: Support monitoring of files larger then 2GB.
  • Fixed: OpenSSL vulnerability CVE-2017-3732. The OpenSSL team released version 1.0.2k which fixes this bug. This version of M/Monit distribute and link with the fixed version of OpenSSL.
  • Fixed: MMonit contained a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in error pages where incoming data from the end-user was not properly escaped. This issue was reported to the M/Monit team on March 1. 2017, by Trevor Boettcher.

New installation

  • Download the release for your OS.
  • Unpack the tar.gz file in a directory, any directory will do, but unpacking in /opt or /usr/local are good choices.
  • Go to the unpacked mmonit-3.7.0 directory
  • Run M/Monit using: ./bin/mmonit
  • Point your Browser to the host where mmonit is installed (or "localhost" if running on the same machine), for example: http://localhost:8080/ and login as user admin with password swordfish
  • If you want to set up M/Monit to use MySQL or PostgreSQL instead of the default SQLite database, follow these instructions in the wiki.
  • More documentation can be found inline in the application and in the manual (PDF).

Upgrading from previous M/Monit releases (2.3 or later)

The upgrade program can be used to automatically copy database and configuration files from the previous installation and update the database schema.

The whole upgrade process should take less than a minute and you do not have to stop or change Monit on other machines during this process. Monit will simply pick up and start reporting to the new M/Monit 3.7.0 version.

  • Download the new 3.7.0 release for your OS.
  • Install M/Monit 3.7.0 in the same directory as previous release. For example:
  • Stop the previous M/Monit release:
 /usr/local/mmonit/mmonit-3.6.2/bin/mmonit stop
  • Run the upgrade program and specify the path to the previous M/Monit release:
 /usr/local/mmonit/mmonit-3.7.0/upgrade/upgrade -p /usr/local/mmonit/mmonit-3.6.2
  • Start M/Monit 3.7.0:
  • Finally, please clear your browser cache before accessing M/Monit 3.7.0