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Released on May 20, 2014

Changes | New installation | Upgrading | Known Issues


  • Fixed: Status Page Host search. If the host search term did not match any host, show "No records found" instead of the full hosts list.
  • Fixed: Work better with pre Monit 5.8 clients which does half-duplex TCP close. Instead of close, M/Monit 3.2 aborted connection from Monit (with RST) after a message was read, which triggered message send failure on Monit side and retries.
  • Fixed: A crash if a POST request was larger than contentLengthBufferLimit and its content size was the exact multiple of a page size.
  • Fixed: Reset all active events for a given service if an action was performed on the service, for instance restart.
  • Fixed: Sporadic crash on request timeout.
  • Fixed: If all monitored services for a host had errors, the Status Details page showed all services as "Offline" with a gray LED. Instead, services should have a red LED and an error description.
  • Fixed: Uptime Report. If an event link was clicked in the result table, an error message "Internal Server error: NumberFormatException: For input string NaN -- Invalid argument" was displayed.
  • Fixed: Reset previous Events page drill-down settings if an event link in the Uptime or Status page was clicked, otherwise the displayed events list may not correspond to the Uptime or Status page events counter.
  • Fixed: Service uptime if host is down.
  • Fixed: Status Details. Use a more explanatory error message if performing an action on a service failed.

New installation

  • Download the release for your OS.
  • Unpack the tar.gz file in a directory, any directory will do, but unpacking in /opt or /usr/local are good choices.
  • Go to the unpacked mmonit-3.2.1 directory
  • Run M/Monit using: ./bin/mmonit
  • Point your Browser to the host where mmonit is installed (or "localhost" if running on the same machine), for example: http://localhost:8080/ and login as user "admin" with password "swordfish"
  • If you want to setup M/Monit to use MySQL or PostgreSQL instead of the default SQLite database, follow these instructions in the wiki.
  • More documentation can be found inline in the application and in the manual (PDF).

Upgrading from previous M/Monit versions (2.3 or later)

The upgrade program can be used to automatically copy database and configuration files from the previous installation and update the database schema.

The whole upgrade process should take less than a minute and you do not have to stop or change Monit on other machines during this process. Monit will simply pick up and start reporting to the new M/Monit 3.2.1 version.

  • Download the new 3.2.1 release for your OS.
  • Install M/Monit 3.2.1 in the same directory as the previous version. For example:
  • Stop the previous M/Monit version:
 /usr/local/mmonit/mmonit-3.2/bin/mmonit stop
  • Run the upgrade program and specify the path to the previous M/Monit version:
 /usr/local/mmonit/mmonit-3.2.1/upgrade/upgrade -p /usr/local/mmonit/mmonit-3.2
  • Start M/Monit 3.2.1:
  • Finally, clear your browser cache before accessing M/Monit

Known Issues

  • None