Released on March 16, 2010
- Changed name of admin menu item "Rules" to "Alerts" to make it clearer that this page is used for setting up alert rules.
- Accept messages from future Monit versions (no need to upgrade M/Monit when Monit is extended).
Bug fixes
- Fix JSON error in rules admin page, when empty hostgroup was defined. Thanks to Balazs Boros for report.
- Fixed a problem in service cache that could drain the database connection pool.
Upgrading from M/Monit 2.2
There are no database changes in this release
Known issues
- Mac OS X 10.6.x (Snow Leopard): There is a bug in the system library, libpthread, which, if M/Monit is run in daemon mode will result in that one CPU core will max out and M/Monit becomes unresponsive. The workaround is to only run M/Monit in the foreground using the -i switch to the mmonit program.