Home /  MMonit /  Release 2-1-1

Released on November 1, 2009


  • In admin/hosts, if an outbound IP-address was specified for Monit, display this address in the hosts table.
  • Allow non-fully qualified domain for jabber users.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a thread storage problem that caused M/Monit's virtual memory usage to grow during event processing. This in turn could lead M/Monit to grow out of available virtual memory and come to a full stop. Many thanks to Asim for reporting this problem.

Upgrading from M/Monit 2.1

There are no database changes in this release

Known issues

  1. Please specify the from address in admin/Message format using a fully qualified domain name, otherwise M/Monit will produce an error when trying to send alert messages. The from address does not have to be a real address with a real domain name, but should be properly formatted as an email address.
  2. Services and Service groups cannot be managed from the UI. This will be addressed in a later release.