• Pro-active Monitoring

    M/Monit can monitor and manage distributed computer systems, conduct automatic maintenance and repair and execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

    • Quick & Easy Setup

      Easy install and setup - turn key. Up and running in seconds
    • Uptime

      Your computer systems will have a higher uptime as M/Monit can handle error conditions automatically, often without the need for human intervention.
    • Design

      M/Monit has a clean, simple and responsive User Interface which scales well, if you manage 2 hosts or 1000+ hosts.
    • Charts

      Create beautiful charts for multiple hosts and compare key indicators from various machines and services
  • What you can monitor

    • Processes
    • Server
    • Cloud
    • Disks
    • Files
    • Folders
    • If your web-site is down, getting an alert is all well and good, but it is much more useful if you can also have it automatically fixed, especially at 04 AM. M/Monit can do that.

      M/Monit can automatically start a process if it does not run, restart a process if it does not respond and suspend a process if it uses too much resources.

      M/Monit is particularly useful for monitoring background or daemon processes, such as those started at system boot time.

      You can also check resources used by a process and perform actions if values goes outside specific bounds.

    • Monitor general system resources on localhost such as overall CPU usage, Memory and Network. Quickly see the status of all your servers in M/Monit's status page and view uptime reports for all your Hosts and Services.


      From M/Monit you can also manage services on your remote server. Start, stop and restart services remotely.

    • Check if your web-site or your database server is up. You can monitor network connections to various network services, either on localhost or on remote hosts. TCP, UDP and Unix Domain Sockets are supported. Network tests can be performed on a protocol level.

      M/Monit can also check Network Interfaces on localhost. Get an alert if the interface is down, or if the capacity changes. Monitor saturation, current upload and download bandwidth usage and total data transfers within the last 24 hours.

      You can even use M/Monit to check your servers SSL certificate and remind you when it is time to renew the certificate

    • Monitor a hard disk or a filesystem and raise alerts if the device is about to run out of available space or becomes slow. Automatically mount or unmount file systems.


      View charts such as space usage, disk i/o, service time etc and use forecast to predict when it is time to invest in more space or replace disks

    • Monitor files for changes, such as timestamps changes, checksum changes or size changes. This is also useful for security reasons - you can monitor the md5 or sha1 checksum of files that should not change and get an alert or perform an action if they did change.

      Files, such as log files, can be monitored for content. Use regular expressions to continously tail monitor files and perform and action or raise an alert if a match is found

    • Monitor directories for changes. Alert if content was added or removed from a specific directory. If you spool incomming data on a regular basis, an alert can be raised if no new data has arrived within a specific time. Monitor the existence of directories and their permission settings and uid and gid attributes

  • View the Status of all Monitored Hosts in one screen. The first column displays a LED representing the host's error state. You can drill-down on each host by clicking its row in the table and manage services on the host

  • Automatically collect key performance data from monitored hosts. Query the data and create beatiful charts. Forecast is supported so you can predict the future and when it's time to change disks or upgrade the network

  • Responsive

    M/Monit's User Interface is responsive and adjust to fit the screen size, whether you use a computer, a phone or a tablet. On iOS and Android, you can add M/Monit to your Home Screen as a web app, allowing you to launch M/Monit by tapping its icon. M/Monit will then start in fullscreen mode and appear like a native app. Gestures, such as swiping from the left edge to the right to go back to the previous page, also work.

    • dashboardDashboard
    • fiber_manual_recordStatus
    • searchDetails
    • show_chartAnalytics
    • timelapseUptime
    • eventEvents
    • brightness_6Themes
  • M/Monit is a modern, compact, scalable and modular application. Thread-pools and a non-blocking, event driven i/o architecture is used to ensure high performance. M/Monit runs on POSIX systems and use around 10-15 MB of RAM, depending on how many hosts you monitor.

Expands Monit

Monit is a small popular Open Source utility for managing and monitoring Unix systems. M/Monit builds on Monit's capabilities and provides monitoring and management of all your Monit enabled hosts via a modern, clean and well designed user interface which also works on mobile devices.

Download Monit


M/Monit can monitor and manage distributed computer systems, conduct automatic maintenance and repair and execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

  • Quick & Easy Setup

    Easy install and setup - turn key. Up and running in seconds

  • Responsive UI

    Responsive user interface. Access M/Monit from desktops, tablets and phones

  • Services Monitoring modes

    Monitor services in active, passive and manual mode and setup dependencies

  • Control Services Remotely

    Start, stop, restart and toggle monitoring of services remotely on managed hosts

  • Uptime Reports

    Hosts and Services uptime reports. Alert reports on service error and recovery

  • Events Drill-Down

    View, drill-down and investigate all events reported from your monitored systems

  • Charts

    Create beautiful charts for multiple hosts and compare key indicators from various machines and services

  • Trend Predictions

    Use trend predictions to extrapolate future values based on existing data

  • Real-time Charts

    View real-time charts with key performance data from your hosts, such as CPU, Memory, Load and more

  • Monitor devices

    Check and monitor files, directories, file-systems and disks across your system. Test timestamp, file and disk size and access permissions

  • Monitor Networks

    Test network connections to local and remote services. TCP, UDP and Unix Domain sockets are supported

  • Protocol Level Tests

    Connection test on protocol level. M/Monit has automatic tests for all the main Internet protocols and databases

  • Flexible Alerts

    Extensible, flexible and configurable alert notification. Uses rule-based alert filters and alert aggregation

  • File Security

    Verify MD5 or SHA checksum of files, either on local system or on remote system

  • Pre-emptive

    Setup rules to act preemptive before an error occurs

  • High performance

    Scalable, threaded, non-blocking and event driven i/o architecture. Uses around 10 MB of RAM runtime

  • Built-in Database Support

    Built-in full feature SQL database connection pooling. Supports SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL

  • Application Server

    Application Server based. Easy to modify and extend via a well designed native API

  • HTTP Rest API

    M/Monit provides a simple HTTP REST API you can use to query M/Monit for data

  • Access Roles

    Use Access Roles to limit access and visibility to hosts and host groups to a select set of users

  • Dark/Light Theme

    Choose Dark or Light theme for the application or follow the system's Dark or Light mode settings.

  • Alert Integration

    Integrate Alerts from M/Monit with popular services like Discord, PagerDuty or write your own.

  • Much more

    Plus many more functions and features


Ready to get started?